Motion Correction
This program is a user-level registration application meant to utilize ITKv4-only classes. The user can specify any number of stages where a stage consists of – a transform, an image metric, number of iterations, shrink factors, and smoothing sigmas for each level. Specialized for 4D time series data: fixed image is 3D, moving image should be the 4D time series. Fixed image is a reference space or time slice.
antsMotionCorr( <list of named arguments> )
<list of named arguments> – an R list of name-value pairs as described in the section ‘Arguments’
see section: Arguments, Examples
antsMotionCorr(list(d = 3, a = img, o = avg_img))
antsMotionCorr(list(d = 3, o = list(moco_params, moco_img, avg_img), m = list(name = "MI",
avg_img, img, 1, 32, 50), t = "Rigid[0.01]", i = 25, u = 1, e = 1, s = 0,
f = 1, n = 25))