ASL-based Perfusion from PASL, CASL or pCASL.
This function will estimate perfusion from an ASL time series using a (robust) regression approach. It will do motion correction, compcorr, factor out nuisance variables and use regression to estimate the perfusion itself. It will mask the image too based on a simple procedure ( should fix this in the future by allowing the user to optionally pass a mask in from the outside ). WARNING: the function will estimate the m0 image from the mean of the control tags assuming that the data is acquired T C T C as is most of JJ’s data. Quantitative CBF can be obtained by mutiplying the output of this function by a scalar.
aslPerfusion( asl_antsr_image_or_filename, maskThresh=500, moreaccurate = TRUE , dorobust = 0 )
myperf <- aslPerfusion(asl)