
Non human primate studies with WHopkins

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MRI-based Quantification of Non-human Primate Populations

An external archive for recent results.

Supplemental Figures and Analysis for "Regional and Hemispheric Variation in Cortical Thickness in Chimpanzees"

Supp. Figure 1 Figure 1. 3D rendering of left and right surface areas and color projection of differences in cortical thickness as measured by voxel-based morphometry. Left-right mirrored volumes images were subtracted from the grey matter thickness volumes in their normal orientation. A whole brain, voxel-by-voxel t-test analysis was then performed on the difference volumes. The difference volume was thresholded at t = 4.00, p < .001; thus, all colors reflect t-values that exceed 4.0. Variation in color intensity reflects the absolute t-value.

Supp. Figure 2 Figure 2: Eight transverse views of the difference volume and associated t-values at different levels along the dorsal-ventral plane of the cortex. Color intensities reflect the absolute t-values (see Figure 1 captions for description).

Supp. Figure 3 Figure 3: Eight coronal views of the difference volume and associated t-values at different points along the anterior-posterior axis. Color intensities reflect the absolute t-values (see Figure 1 captions for description).

Authors and Contributors

Brian B. Avants ( UPenn ) and William Hopkins ( Georgia State University , http://neuroscience.gsu.edu/13890.html )

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