
get some feature points from similar images & match the images based on those features

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get some feature points from similar images & match the images based on those features

depends on ANTs

# ./featureMatch.sh dimension image1 image2 NFeaturePointsToExtract NFeaturePointsToMatch UseGradientImage

./featureMatch.sh 2 data/r16slice.nii.gz data/r16rotpart.nii.gz 400 20 1

./featureMatch.sh 2 data/slide1.nii.gz data/slide2.nii.gz 200 50 0

./featureMatch.sh 3 data/time1.nii.gz data/time2.nii.gz 400 50 0

./featureMatch.sh 2 data/mono1.jpg data/mono2.jpg 500 20 1

all output starts with letter z and output will be overwritten each time you run featureMatch