Relational operators for antsImage
Relational operators to compare pixel values of an antsImage with a scalar value within a given antsRegion .
img == value
img != value
img <= value
img >= value
img < value
img > value
or use listsimg == lst
img != lst
img <= lst
img >= lst
img < lst
img > lst
# compare all the values in the region starting at index 'c(1,1,1)' with
# size 'c(10,10,10)' with value '20' ;
# here the logical vector 'vect' will have dimensions '10*10*10'
reg = new("antsRegion", index = c(1, 1, 1), size = c(10, 10, 10))
vect = (img = list(value = 20, region = reg))
# compare all the pixels in the image with value '30' ;
# here the logical vector 'vect' will have dimensions of the image
vect = (img == 30)