
ANTsR 0.0.0 documentation


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Extract/Replace regions an antsImage


Set of methods to extract a numeric vector from an antsImage . Set of methods to replace the pixels in an antsImage using a numeric vector .


img[ mask ]

img[ lst ]

img[ mask , region ]

img[ row , col , slice , time ]

img[ mask ] <- vect

img[ lst ] <- vect

img[ mask , region ] <- vect

img[ row , col , slice , time ] <- vect


# extract a vector from an image 'img' of class 'antsImage' by considering
# only the region starting at index (1,1,1) with size (10,10,10) ;

# here the first 10 elements of vect correspond to first column ( row = 1:10
# , col = 1 , slice = 1 ) of image-region, next 10 elements come from

# second column ( row = 1:10 , col = 2 , slice = 1 ) of the image-region and
# so on

reg = new("antsRegion", index = c(1, 1, 1), size = c(10, 10, 10))

vect = img[NULL, region = reg]  # OR

vect = img[list(mask = NULL, region = reg)]

# set the values of pixels in the square ( row = 1:10 , col = 1:10 , slice =
# 3 ) using the vector c(1:100) ;

# here the first column ( row = 1:10 , col = 1 , slice = 3 ) of image gets
# values c(1:10), second column ( row = 1:10 , col = 2 , slice = 3 ) gets

# values c(11:20) and so on

img[1:10, 1:10, 3] <- c(1:100)

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