
ANTsR 0.0.0 documentation


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Simple plotBasicNetwork function.


takes an object output from renderSurfaceFunction and a list of centroids and plots the centroid network over the rendering object


plotBasicNetwork( centroids = centroids, brain )


brain <- renderSurfaceFunction(surfimg = list(mymni[[1]]), alphasurf = 0.1,
    smoothsval = 1.5)

plotBasicNetwork(centroids = centroids, brain)

# more complete example

mnit <- getANTsRData("mni")

mnit <- antsImageRead(mnit, 3)

mnia <- getANTsRData("mnia")

mnia <- antsImageRead(mnia, 3)

ThresholdImage(3, mnit, mnit, 1, max(mnit))

ImageMath(3, mnit, "FillHoles", mnit)

cnt <- getCentroids(mnia, clustparam = 50)

aalcnt <- cnt$centroids[1:90, ]

brain <- renderSurfaceFunction(surfimg = list(mnit), alphasurf = 0.1, smoothsval = 1.5)

testweights <- matrix(rep(0, 90 * 90), nrow = 90)

testweights[31, 37] <- 1  # ant cingulate to hipp

testweights[31, 36] <- 2  # ant cingulate to post cingulate

testweights[11, 65] <- 3  # broca to angular

plotBasicNetwork(centroids = aalcnt, brain, weights = testweights)

id <- par3d("userMatrix")

rid <- rotate3d(id, -pi/2, 1, 0, 0)

rid2 <- rotate3d(id, pi/2, 0, 0, 1)

rid3 <- rotate3d(id, -pi/2, 0, 0, 1)

par3d(userMatrix = id)

dd <- make3ViewPNG(rid, id, rid2, paste("network1", sep = ""))

par3d(userMatrix = id)

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