
ANTsR 0.0.0 documentation

Tips for functional MRI and resting state analysis

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Tips for functional MRI and resting state analysis

First take a quick look at your data.

fn <- getANTsRData("KK")  # 4D image
img <- antsImageRead(fn, 4)
#' get the average to look at it in 3D
avg <- new("antsImage", dimension = 3, pixeltype = img@pixeltype)
antsMotionCorr(list(d = 3, a = img, o = avg))
#' look at the header to determine slices to display
ImageMath("4", "na", "PH", img)
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
plotANTsImage(myantsimage = avg, slices = "12x33x3", axis = 3)
maskThresh <- 1e+05
mask <- getMask(avg, maskThresh, 1e+09, cleanup = TRUE)
# check if the mask is ok
plotANTsImage(myantsimage = avg, functional = list(mask), slices = "12x33x3",
    axis = 3, threshold = "0.5x1.5")
# The mask looks fine ( does not have to be perfect ) so we proceed.

The data looks ok so now convert the rsf image to a frequency filtered matrix.

This involves motion correction which, with default settings, can be time consuming (because we are being careful). Here, we speed things up by setting moreaccurate=FALSE (not recommended).

We also estimate a brain mask and nuisance pararmeters including global signal, physiological and motion confounds. See /Users/stnava/code/RLibs/ANTsR/help/filterfMRIforNetworkAnalysis .

fmat <- timeseries2matrix(img, mask)
myres <- filterfMRIforNetworkAnalysis(fmat, tr = 4, 0.01, 0.1, cbfnetwork = "BOLD",
    mask = mask)
ANTsR preprocessing, including frequency filtering, for fMRI

ANTsR preprocessing, including frequency filtering, for fMRI

The stage above factored out what many consider to be the major signals in fMRI that are not due to natural resting-state fluctuations in brain activity.

A network analysis may now be performed on the results of the above processing. The key output is myres$filteredTimeSeries. Let”s look at sample voxels” time series using basic plotting.

samplevox1 <- round(ncol(myres$filteredTimeSeries)/2)
samplevox2 <- round(ncol(myres$filteredTimeSeries)/3)
data <- data.frame(time = c(1:nrow(myres$filteredTimeSeries)) * 4, v1 = myres$filteredTimeSeries[,
    samplevox1], v2 = myres$filteredTimeSeries[, samplevox2])
p1 <- (ggplot(data, aes(x = time, y = v1)) + geom_line() + ggtitle("Time series @ voxel 1"))
p2 <- (ggplot(data, aes(x = time, y = v2)) + geom_line() + ggtitle("Time series @ voxel 2"))
multiplot(p1, p2, cols = 1)  # function stolen from the internet
ANTsR sample voxels

ANTsR sample voxels

That”s good — check a separate page for example network analyses. In brief, a network analysis will compute correlations between voxels such as these.

Let’s simulate a standard rsf network analysis by extracting some data-driven “ROIs” and show the resulting correlation matrix.

mysvd <- svd(myres$filteredTimeSeries)
# let's make the v eigenvectors sparse , otherwise they are totally
# uncorrelated
nevecs <- 10
vecs <- mysvd$v[, 1:nevecs]
thresh <- 0.005  # just an example
for (i in c(1:nevecs)) {
    vecs[, i] <- (vecs[, i] * (vecs[, i] > thresh))
    vecimg <- antsImageClone(myres$mask, "float")
    mask <- antsImageClone(myres$mask, "float")
    vecimg[(myres$mask > 0)] <- vecs[, i]
    ImageMath("3", vecimg, "ClusterThresholdVariate", vecimg, mask, "100")
    vecs[, i] <- vecimg[(myres$mask > 0)]
tobecorrelated <- (myres$filteredTimeSeries %*% vecs)
#' visualize the resulting correlations
ANTsR rsfmri correlations from simple sparse svd

ANTsR rsfmri correlations from simple sparse svd

The correlation matrix is the most frequently used basis of rsf-MRI analysis.

Now you can reduce your fMRI data to relatively simple measurements of connectivity. Congratulations!

ToDo: add gray matter mask and anatomical labels.

## [1] "FAILURE:  17  vs refval  22"

«  Demonstrate plotANTsImage   ::   Contents   ::   Basic network analysis for BOLD or ASL fMRI  »