Overview of surgeRy point based cropping

We use points to crop regions for focused segmentation.


See the code below for how to assemble the images and points for augmentation.

library( reticulate )
library( ANTsR )
library( ANTsRNet )
library( surgeRy )
image1 <- antsImageRead( getANTsRData( "r16" ) )
image2 <- antsImageRead( getANTsRData( "r27" ) )
segmentation1 <- thresholdImage( image1, "Otsu", 3 )
segmentation11 = thresholdImage( segmentation1, 1, 1 )
segmentation12 = thresholdImage( segmentation1, 2, 2 )
segmentation13 = thresholdImage( segmentation1, 3, 3 )
segmentation1 = segmentation11 + segmentation12* 2 + segmentation13 * 3
segmentation2 <- thresholdImage( image2, "Otsu", 3 )
segmentation21 = thresholdImage( segmentation2, 1, 1 )
segmentation22 = thresholdImage( segmentation2, 2, 2 )
segmentation23 = thresholdImage( segmentation2, 3, 3 )
segmentation2 = segmentation21 + segmentation22* 2 + segmentation23 * 3
pts1 = getCentroids( segmentation1 )[,1:2]
pts2 = getCentroids( segmentation2 )[,1:2]
plist = list( pts1, pts2)
ilist = list( list( image1 ), list( image2 ) )
slist = list( segmentation1, segmentation2 )
npn = paste0(tempfile(), c('i.npy','pointset.npy','coordconv.npy','segmentation.npy') )
X = generateDiskPointAndSegmentationData( ilist, plist, slist,
   segmentationNumbers = 2, numpynames = npn, smoothHeatMaps = 0,
   numberOfSimulations = 128,
   sdAffine = 0.20,
   transformType = 'scaleShear',
   cropping=c(2,32,32) )

for ( j in sample(1:nrow(X$images),8) ) {
  layout( matrix(1:2,nrow=1))
  plot( as.antsImage( X$images[j,,,1] ) )
  temper = as.antsImage( X$segmentation[j,,,1] )
  temper = temper + 1
  temper[1,1] = 0
  plot( as.antsImage( X$images[j,,,1] ), temper, window.overlay=c(2,2.5) )
  print( j )
#  Sys.sleep( 1 )

training loop

this just uses a fixed training data set but it can be implemented with the same framework as in other examples.

unet = createUnetModel2D(
       list( NULL, NULL, 1 ),
       numberOfOutputs = 1,
       numberOfLayers = 4, # should optimize this wrt criterion
       numberOfFiltersAtBaseLayer = 32, # should optimize this wrt criterion
       convolutionKernelSize = 3, # maybe should optimize this wrt criterion
       deconvolutionKernelSize = 2,
       poolSize = 2,
       strides = 2,
       dropoutRate = 0,
       weightDecay = 0,
       additionalOptions = c( "nnUnetActivationStyle" ),
       mode = c("regression")

mydf = data.frame()
epoch = 1
wtfn=paste0('model_weights_priors2gpu', gpuid, uid,'.h5')
csvfn = paste0('model_weights_priors2gpu', gpuid,uid,'.csv')

binary_dice <- function( y_true, y_pred )
  K <- tensorflow::tf$keras$backend
  smoothing_factor = tf$cast( 0.01, mytype )
  y_true_f = K$flatten( y_true )
  y_pred_f = K$flatten( y_pred )
  intersection = K$sum( y_true_f * y_pred_f )
  return( -1.0 * ( 2.0 * intersection + smoothing_factor )/
        ( K$sum( y_true_f ) + K$sum( y_pred_f ) + smoothing_factor ) )

# Training loop parameters -----------------------------------------------------
library( tensorflow )
num_epochs <- 500
# may need to change gradient step to something higher/lower depending on data
optimizerE <- tf$keras$optimizers$Adam(1e-5)
mytype = 'float32'
cceWeight = tf$cast( 5.0, mytype ) # could optimize for this
batchsize = 4
for (epoch in epoch:num_epochs ) {
    mysam = sample( 1:nrow(X[[1]]), batchsize )
    datalist = list(
        array( X[[1]][mysam,,,], dim=c(batchsize,tail(dim(X[[1]]),3)) )  %>% tf$cast( mytype ), # images
        array( X[[3]][mysam,,,], dim=c(batchsize,tail(dim(X[[3]]),3)) ) %>% tf$cast( mytype ) # seg
    with(tf$GradientTape(persistent = FALSE) %as% tape, {
      preds = unet( datalist[[1]] )
      predsSMX = tf$nn$sigmoid( preds )
      lossmse = tf$keras$losses$mse( datalist[[2]], predsSMX ) %>% tf$reduce_mean()
      diceloss = binary_dice( datalist[[2]], predsSMX  )
      loss = diceloss + lossmse * cceWeight
    unet_gradients <- tape$gradient(loss, unet$trainable_variables)
        unet_gradients, unet$trainable_variables )))
    mydf[epoch,'train_loss'] = as.numeric( loss )
    mydf[epoch,'dice'] = as.numeric( diceloss )
    mydf[epoch,'mse'] = as.numeric( lossmse )
    print( mydf[epoch,] )
    if ( epoch %% 20 == 1 ) plot( ts( mydf ) )

so-called inference

here is how one might do inference on new data.

note that some of these parameters do not match the training setup.

that may be ok in some cases but is not generally recommended.

whichPoint = 3
patchSize = c( 128, 128 )
whichPoint = 2
patchSize = c( 32, 48 )
Xte = generateDiskPointAndSegmentationData( ilist[1], plist[1], slist[1],
   segmentationNumbers = 2, numpynames = npn, smoothHeatMaps = 0,
   numberOfSimulations = 1,
   sdAffine = 0.0, # adjust for inference
   transformType = 'scaleShear',
   cropping=c(whichPoint,patchSize) )

# define the physical space for the sub-image
# needs to match the augmentation code
physspace = specialCrop( ilist[[1]][[1]], plist[[1]][whichPoint,], patchSize)

preds = predict( unet, Xte[[1]] )
predsSMX = as.array( tf$nn$sigmoid( preds ) )
j = 1
predseg = as.antsImage( predsSMX[j,,,1 ]  ) %>% antsCopyImageInfo2( physspace )

# show image and prediction
predsegdecrop = resampleImageToTarget( predseg, ilist[[1]][[1]] )
bint = thresholdImage(predsegdecrop,0.5,1)